Samantha Smith

Samantha Jo Smith

1046 Anna Ave.

Auburn, Indiana United States 46706

Tel: 260-333-3245

Cell: 260-573-3489


Seeking new challenges in career path. Looking for an opportunity to join a growing organization that will allow me to move up in the company. I am wanting to build upon 5 plus years of experience in customer service. Willing to start off in an entry level potion working my way up to management, where I can use my two year degree in Business Management.

Work Experience

New Generation Management, Fort Wayne, Indiana United States

Property Manager

10/2012 - 04/2013

Managed an apartment complex of 42 units and established a decent occupancy while employed for NGM.
Experienced in customer service and dealing with difficult demands from tenants as well as working with the majority of wonderful tenants with a strong skill in communication and typing.  

Familiar with Microsoft word programs, and marketing.  

This was a wonderful growing company to work for and helped me develop stronger skills in areas that I am highly focused on.


Applebees Bar and Grill, Kendallville, Indiana United States


10/2007 - 09/2011

I began working for applebees in 2007, started off as a sever where I worked my way up to what is called a "neighborhood expert" which allowed me to do training when new employees first started. During the time of me severing I grew extermly familiar with customer service and what it means to make a customer happy no matter if there right or wrong, you want them to always leave happy. I then went to working in the Kitchen at applebees to make more money for my family, I left making 9.00 an hour. I opened at well as closed. I also grew to be a "neighborhood expert" and was allowed to be a trainer in the kitchen. I really enjoyed my job, and over the coarse of four years I won several awards every month " so did other employees" including the "apple star of the month" which is their employee of the month award.


Richard's , Kendallville, Indiana United States


05/2005 - 10/2007

I started working for Richards after I moved to Indiana from Florida in 2005, I started off as a sever. I was always an opener, which was be there at 5am. I would set the restaurant up and count the draw out to start the day. I shortly after started working for this company I was offered a good opportunity to work as an opener in the kitchen, so I did. I began at 4:30am and would get everything around in the kitchen to open, as well as daily prepping and then I would count the money in the safe and make the morning draw for the register. Until the morning manager would come in I was in charge of making sure everyone was there " if not I needed to call people in", made sure everyone was doing there job correctly, as well as helping out when and where ever I was needed.


Potomac College  District of Columbia, Washington DC United States 

Business Management  in Management, GPA: 3.33

2008 - 2011

My degree was awarded to me August 21st of 2011.
I take much pride in my degree for I worked extremely hard to receive it. I maintained a higher GPA, I studied and worked hard for what I wanted. Looking forward to applying my degree to a career in the future.


Proficient in computer skills, typing and Microsoft programs.

5 years of experience in customer service
Fast learner, personable, very easy to get along with, love working with the public

Looking to began a career, not settling for just another job  anymore ©2024
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